- MPA was brought into Long-term Relationship Agreement (“LTRA”) negotiations when the three First Nations and Greenstone Gold Mines had reached an impasse that seemed insurmountable
- MPA evaluated the situation, developed independent financial models and worked closely with the First Nation’s advisors and the project owner
First Nation Communities Advised
- Animbiigoo Zaagi’igan Anishinaabek (AZA)
- Aroland First Nation
- Ginoogaming First Nation
- The renegotiated LTRA focused on the commitment towards protecting the environment and supporting the local First Nations social and cultural practices, and provides for environmental monitoring, employment, training, business and contracting opportunities
- The financial terms of the LTRA provides the communities with dramatically higher long-term financial payments that will be made prior to mine construction and during mine production, as well as the development rights for the related power plant development
- Subsequent work has included the development of a waste-heat powered greenhouse opportunity that will enhance long term food security for the First Nations