- The COVID 19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the Long-Term Care (“LTC”) sector in Ontario, and in particular with respect to the health and safety of LTC residents and staff. Thus, Ontario Government announced Development Grant program to further incent new construction of LTC beds
- Ontario’s Long-Term Care COVID 19 Commission has a mandate to investigate how and why COVID 19 spread in long term care homes, what was done to prevent the spread, and the impact of key elements of the existing system on the spread
MPA’s Role and Key Considerations
- MPA was engaged by the Commission to provide an expert report and testimony
- MPA reviewed the funding model for LTC, to understand and analyze its relationship to the continued viability of LTC homes
- Assessed how the funding model affects the replacement of older LTC homes, since this relates to the construction of net new homes, and the demand for net new LTC beds
- Evaluated the various impacts of the funding model on the viability, incentives and future involvement of various classes of providers. In particular, the ongoing involvement of Commercial providers vs. Mission Driven providers has become an important topic, particularly with respect to the development of new LTC homes
- The Commission’s official report referenced Morrison Park in Chapter 1 and recommended one of the options proposed, ultimately contributing to the prevention of COVID-19 spread in LTC homes