Revival Gold Inc.


  • Prior to the transaction, Revival Gold Inc. (the “Client”) was focused on the advancement of their wholly owned, PFS stage, Beartrack-Arnett Gold Project in Idaho, U.S.
  • The Client looked for complementary projects to shorten its estimated time to production, and achieve greater capital markets scale

MPA’s Role to Revival Gold

  • MPA understood the Client’s desire to execute a complementary transaction that would allow for a well sequenced development growth plan in the U.S.
  • MPA had been retained by the Client for a few years, conducting rigorous due diligence on multiple opportunities throughout North America
  • Ensign emerged as the logical fit being located a short drive from the Client’s project, and shares similar deposit style and mineralization
  • MPA successfully navigated the Client through a quiet bi-lateral process, conducted a formal fairness opinion, and assisted with the due diligence, internal and external marketing material, and definitive documentation


  • The transaction delivered accretive growth by increasing the Client’s heap leach gold resources per share, shortened the estimated timeline to heap leach gold production, added exploration upside, and offered the potential for regional synergies
  • Concurrent with the transaction, the Client was able to successfully raise C$7M in equity financing
MPA successfully advised Revival Gold on acquiring Ensign Minerals, Creating one of the Largest Pure Gold Play, Development Companies in the U.S.